We strive to continuously update this web site. However, we disclaim any and all liability that may ensue from errors or omissions in or inaccessibility to the web site. Further, we disclaim any and all liability for external web sites for which this website links. We strive to maintain up-dated protection against computer vira etc. and disclaim any and all liability for any attacks by hackers, vira, etc.
This website www.marinehvacdesign.com (hereinafter the ”Website”) is provided and owned by MARINE HVAC DESIGN, Claessensvej 1, DK-3000 Elsinore, Denmark, VAT no. 21594873.
MARINE HVAC DESIGN holds all rights, including copyrights, in and to this website and the content posted on this website.
As a natural part of providing the Website, MARINE HVAC DESIGN will as the data manager collect and process certain personal data concerning you as a user. MARINE HVAC DESIGN will via the Website collect and process the following personal data:
i. email address,
ii. name,
iii. information contained in job applications and other documents uploaded to the Website in connection with the job application process.
The personal data is processed in order to forward newsletters and other relevant information (if the user so specifically requests), in connection with the registration for newsletter and any contact in connection with job applications and registration in the CV database. Please see clause 2 below for further information on cookies.
The processing of personal data by MARINE HVAC DESIGN is effected in compliance with the requirements applicable from time to time, including safety requirements under the Danish Data Protection Act and any appurtenant statutory orders and guidance notes. MARINE HVAC DESIGN will not process any user data unless this is legitimately required. MARINE HVAC DESIGN regularly reviews its personal data register and deletes information that is no longer relevant for processing purposes as well as information, which users request us to delete. Personal data is not passed on to third parties.
Upon request, the user will receive information of the user data that is processed by MARINE HVAC DESIGN. Also, upon request MARINE HVAC DESIGN will correct any incorrect or misleading information. The user may at any time object to the user’s personal data being processed. If you have any questions in relation to MARINE HVAC DESIGN’s processing of personal data on this Website, or if a user wishes to object to any processing of personal data, please contact the person responsible for our Website at cak@knudehansen.com
Cookies are small text files that are stored on the user’s computer or other IT devices when a user visits a website. Today, almost all websites use cookies and these small files render it possible to collect information about which pages and functions the user visits and applies.
Third party cookies
MARINE HVAC DESIGN does not place cookies on its website, but allows that third parties; Google Analytics, place them.
MARINE HVAC DESIGN uses Google Analytics, which stores and accesses cookies on the Website in order to generate statistics on the users’ visits on MARINE HVAC DESIGN’s Website. MARINE HVAC DESIGN also uses cookies from Google Analytics in order to optimize user-friendliness and the functionality of the Website, including the individual user’s information searches.
In relation to the use of cookies, the setup of the Website may imply that the user’s IP address is collected and processed by Google Analytics. However, MARINE HVAC DESIGN will only receive this information in a concealed form, i.e. where certain parts of the IP address have been deleted. Read more about Google Analytics’ policy on the protection of your personal data here.
We use cookies on the website in order to generate statistics and to maximize user-friendliness and improve functionality.
By using our website, you consent to our use of cookies.
For any questions or additional information about MARINE HVAC DESIGN’s use of personal data processing, please contact the person responsible for our Website at cak@knudehansen.com